Hosting several events in the past few days, including Second Sunday Jazz Brunch and Caroling in the Galleries, the Currier Museum of Art in Manchester continues with a busy latter half of December.

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, La Troupe de Mademoiselle Églantine (Mademoiselle Églantine’s Troupe), 1896 Lithograph, The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Gift of Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, 1940.
A member of the NH Heritage Museum Trail, the Currier will host Free Lautrec Late Night: Draft and Draw from 5 to 9 pm on Thursday, December 14. At this hands-on drawing workshop, people will explore the galleries with a teaching artist and then head to the Winter Garden Café to learn basic drawing skills while enjoying a cash bar and full menu. Members admitted free.
On Sunday, December 17, the Currier will host Focus Tour: Winter Wonderlands at 2 pm that will highlight majestic images of winter and weather in its Collection.
At Noon Year’s Eve from 10 am to 3 pm on Sunday, December 31, the Currier will feature art-making, outdoor activities, face painting, live entertainment, bubble-wrap fireworks, a huge balloon drop and more. Members receive a special discount on tickets.
For tickets to any of the events, or current gallery shows, at the Currier, visit
With numerous events, exhibits and programs for all ages, the NH Heritage Museum Trail expects close to 250,000 visitors by the end of this year. Search for ‘New Hampshire Heritage Trail’ and find it on Facebook.
Museums on the Trail include the Aviation Museum, Albacore Park, American Independence Museum, Canterbury Shaker Village, Castle in the Clouds, Currier Museum of Art, L.L. Lee Scouting Museum, Lake Winnipesaukee Museum, Libby Museum, Millyard Museum, Museum of the White Mountains, New Hampshire Boat Museum, NH Historical Society, Portsmouth Historical Society @ Discover Portsmouth, Remick Country Doctor Museum and Farm, Woodman Museum, and Wright Museum of WWII.